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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Throughout Time, Blacks have had to Many Extra Obstacles Compared To Whites Throughout Time, Blacks have had to Many Extra Obstacles Compared To Whites White Privlage: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack (1989) Name calling To Kill a Mockingbird Bird (1936) Representation Jobs Assumptions Several times throughout the book, Atticus, his children, and others who do not show persecution torwards blacks are called names, particularly "n***r lover". If white people who simply don't treat blacks unkindly are given this title, it is easy to picture what kind of name calling the black people receive in Maycomb. If a black person opens a newspaper or turns on the TV, he/she will not neccesarily see their race widely represented. Bandages College Clothing The jury for Tom Robinson's trial was all white, therefore he had an unfair trial. The majority of black men had laborious jobs and the majority of black women had housekeeping/serving jobs. For a living, Calpurnia worksas a cook and Tom Robinson picked cotton. Black women were sometimes harrased by people when they walked down the street. Mrs. Robinson was harassed while walking to work by Bob Ewell. Tom Robinson was accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Although there was no evidence for this, it was believable to a large portion of the community. People assumed that just because he is black, he was more likely to rape someone. Hair Black people cannot go to any hairdresser to get their hair done. They need to go to someone who knows how to deal with the type of hair that blacks normally have. Black people cannot go to any hairdresser to get their hair done. They need to go to someone who knows how to deal with the type of hair that blacks normally have. Stores normally sell more bandages that are close to the skin colors of most white. Blacks can't normally find bandages in their skin color. If a black kid got into a good college, some people might assume that they only got in because of their race. Court If a black person wears trashy clothes, they might be accused of poverty and bad morals. If a black person succeeds at something difficult, they are sometimes accused of only being successful because of their race. Success Treatment In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird", black people faced complications in life that whites did not have.These problems are addressed again in the essay "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack",by Peggy McIntosh, through her list of conditions that blacks have to face that whites don't. Sarah Schmoyer and Sam Pitkowski
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