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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2Ship...SaaS Solutions SaaS is changing the gameby making tools that were once only available to Fortune 50 organizations accessible to even small and mid-size shippers. Use multiple modes at different stages of the supply chain for enormous savings. On hold processing for remote DCsto print and ship labels. Great for package consolidation or shipping at a later date 2Ship is sold as a service, not a product, which increases and accelerates yourROI as it moves from implementationto integration and finally optimization.There are no costly upgrades. Shippers can gain control over their supply chain, gain visibility not only to the real-time location of freight, but also gain insight into compliance, overspend and utilization. Put shipments on hold from anywhere around the world, all of which can be fulfilled and printed from any one of your various warehouses or distribution centers. Localize all users and shipments within the global supply chain. Whether its a single location or thousands of users atthousands of locations around the globe Gaining global visibility into inbound deliverieshelps shippers capture remarkable efficiency, improve planning, reduce delays and lower costs. Truly innovative companies have recognized that SaaS delivers real competitive advantage to fuel top-line growth. Fact: Canadian Trucking Industry 2012 Shipments - 64,399,389Weight (kilograms) - 650,507,650,994Distance (kilometres) - 40,679,578,714Tonne-kilometres - 240,291,618,246Revenue (dollars) - 34,589,941,744 Transport freight units cross-border; deconsolidateand distribute as individual domestic shipments. A multi-tenant environmentwhere your customers, vendors and partners access a shared solution...
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