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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Gibbons V. Ogden1824 5 Landmark Supreme Court Cases that Shaped Government Powers U.S. v. Nixon1974 Year of the caseThe case came about in the year 1824. Who was the Chief Justice?The chief of justice throughout the case was John Marshall. Brief facts about the case1.This case all began because of an interference with Ogdens ferry business.2.Gibbons started a ferry business that entered New York water way which angered Ogdens.3.Ogden was only given the license to navigate through the waters. Decision: 6 votes for Gibbons, 0 vote(s) against Year of the caseThe year the case came about was in 1974 Who was the Chief Justice?The chief of justice for this case was Warren E. Burger Brief facts about the case1.The case came about with the water gate scandal.2.There was a unimous 8-0 ruling dealing with the ending of the water gate scandal. 3.The case states that not even the president is higher than the law. Decision: 8 votes for United States, 0 vote(s) against Year of the caseThe case was brought up in the year 1998 Who was the Chief Justice?The chief of justice for this case was William Rehnquist. Brief facts about the case1. The line act veto allowed the president to practically cancel what he wanted from the appropriation bills. 2.The president isnt allowed to cancel a bill that the U.S. congress has prevised and approved. 3. The case was argued from April 27,1998 to June 25,1998.Decision: 6 votes for City of New York, 3 vote(s) against Clinton V. New York 1998 Marbury V. Madison1803 Year of the caseThe year the case was brought up was in 1803 Who was the Chief Justice?The chief of justice for this case was John Marshall. Brief facts about the case1.The case helped define the difference between the executive branches and judicial branches. 2.The court had formed a base for the judicial review under article III.3.This case all began with a petition Decision: 4 votes for Madison, 0 vote(s) against Munn V. Illinois1871 The year the case was brought up was in 1871 Who was the Chief Justice?The chief of justice for this case was Morison Waite Brief facts about the casewith a petition allowed for states to regulate certain businesses within their borders such as railroads. 2.regulates the use of private property.Decision: 7 votes for Illinois, 2 vote(s) against
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