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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 French Revolution Haitian Revolution VS. Occurs: Haiti From 1789 To 1804 Occurs: Paris, France From 1789 To 1799 The Slaves, Colonists, Mulattoes, Affranchis, and an old General. The Third Estate, Handfuls of The Second and First Estates, Middle Class MistreatmentRacistExtremely Harsh Work andWorking Conditions "It was not against Louis XVI. but against the despotic principles of the government, that the nation revolted" (Paine, The Rights of Man) The Third Estate was poor, there were food shortages, riots, and in any 'fair' vote they were outnumbered by the Second and First Estates "22 August 1791, the slaves of Saint Domingue rose up in rebellion, initiating what was to become over the next several years the first successful slave revolt in history" We Planned the Idea of Rebelion We Started our Revolution with an Uprising GOVERNMENT The National Assembly gave freedom to "free blacks" (Slavery and the Haitian Government) then took these freedoms away, causing uprisings from the slaves. Later Napoleon does not allow freedom but the fightcontinues. France leaves Haiti because of the loss of their troops to diseases such as malaria. In the year 1804, the Haitian Republic was established. The government forms a National Assembly, the King's power is diminished, feudalism is abolished. The King (Louis XVI) was arrested by the radicals and executed, the Absolute Monarchy was abolished. Later, the people are still unhappy, and anyone suspected of counter-revolution activities was executed through the guillotine. In 1795 a new constitution was written, and Napoleon was hailed as the conquering hero after preventing an attack on the government. Post-Government Political violence continues, until a republic is formed, The Haitian Republic. This way every citizen has a say in the government and everyone would be free and have equal rights, The government has never stayed the same for long in France. Throughout the years, France will have eleven other governments because each one either was not constructed with enough stability, or one person was given too much power All of the members of the Third Estate and Middle Class were already frustrated with the government, so when the National Assembly was formed they all supported the idea of a more fair government. The ones who fought for the Revolution were the slaves and those without freedoms. They started the uprising, so they all knew to begin with.
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