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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 INFOGRAPHICHANDOUTSHEETMr. CostanzoENG4U-5MONICA RODRIGUEZMANUELSALAZARJORGE SOTOFELIPE "THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR" WORLD WAR I Conflict between France and Prussia. The military conduct of the war was, for the Germans, in the hands of Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke, a military genius. That signaled the rise of German military power and imperialism THE FUTURE IS UNFRIENDLY FEAR OF THE FUTURE TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES AND THE INCREASINGUNIFICATION OF THE GERMAN STATES WERE VIEW WITH APPREHENSION BYNAPOLEON III THE LOSS OF HUMANITY SURVIVALISM NUCLEARTHREAT INTODUCTION (1870-1871) THE EMERGENCE OF PRUSSIA AS THE LEADINGGERMAN POWER. WAR PREPARATIONSWEREPUSHED ONBOTH SIDESWITHREMARKABLE SIDES. . WITH INNEFIENCYIN FRANCEAND ASTOUNDINGTHOROUGHNESS IN PRUSSIA. 1914 - 1918 COUNTER-CULTURE CONSPIRACIES THE RISE OF THE GUNS TECHNOLGY FEAR OF THE CORPORATION THE PETEXTWAS WHEN THETHRONE OF SPAIN WAS OFFERED TO THE PRINCE OFSIGMARINGEN LIBERALISM TIMELINE When the news of Sedan reached Paris abloodless revolution occurred. Napoleon was deposed, and a provisional government of national defense was formed under General Trochu, Léon Gambetta, and Jules Favre. Paris was surrounded by the Germans on Sept. 19, and a grueling siege began. Partlybecause they believedFrancethe aggressor, HIGH-TECH, LOW LIFE DEATH REBELLION Paris was surrounded by the Germans on Sept. 19, and a grueling siege began. Gambetta escaped from Paris in a balloon to organize resistance in the provinces. Faidherbe made a gallantstand on the Loire, Chanzy in the north, and Bourbaki in the east, but the surrender of Bazaine, with a garrison of 180,000 men, made such resistance useless.
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