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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Media Center Beach High School Reading affects every subject area and our students are far below the national averages. "Thirty five years of educational and library research have demonstrated a strong link between the school library media program and student academic achievement" (Hamilton-Pennell, Lance, Rodney & Hainer, 2000). Test scores are higher in schools where the media specialist collaborates with teachers (Scholastic 2008). Georgia High School Graduation Test Scores English Language Arts - 2011State Average 91%Savannah Chatham Schools 87%Beach High School 82% Studies Agree! In a survey by Todd & Kuhlthau (2004) 99.4% of students believed the media center and its services enhanced their learning (Allen, 2010). Lance reports schools with higher rated libraries have 10 to 18 percent higher test scores than lower ranked libraries (as cited in Menefee, 2009). BudgetSize & Date of CollectionCollaboration TimeComputer AccessLibrary Staff Size ContributingFactors: We need new books & more computers! Esta fórmula lo que indica es que su factor de variación lo determina la sumatoria del valor de capitalización (que se calcula multiplicando las acciones en circulación por el precio del cierre) de todas las emisiones incluidas en las muestra el día de hoy (t), divididas entre la sumatoria de la misma muestra mencionada pero del día anterior (t-1), ajustada según sea el caso para que el índice no pierda comparabilidad, así la fórmula considera el hecho de que la emisora decrete algún derecho o lleve a cabo cambios en su estructura de capital que afecten el precio de la acción.
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