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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Mexico city is situated in the valley of Mexico. It has a population of 21.1 million people and is the most densely populated area in the country. In 1921 a census showed more then 54% of the citypopulation was mestizo, 20% was European and almost 19% indigenousalthough Mexico at the time had less then 1 million population From 1995 - 2000 Mexico city had a population growth of 5.604 millionpeople. Mexico city has one of the top 5 largest slums in the world.Much of central and eastern Mexico city is built on dried lake beds.The highland valley of Mexico is enclosed on all sides by mountains that from parts of the colldillera Neo-volcanica Megacitie s Megacitie s Case study 1: Mexico City Case study 2: Tokyo Problems Mexico city faces Water Consumption:The annual rainfall in Mexico city is 305 mm, the city consumes more the 305mm of water per day. This ahs led to a water crisisthat has left the Mexico government in dept.Transport water form basin:To find water the city has begun to drill for water for the basinMexico, this has cost the Mexican government a lot ofmoney in transport from the basin to the Mexico city.Earthquakes:Both the southerly and westerly boarders of Mexico city are affected by earthquakes from the converging of the Cocos Plate and the Caribbean Plate, this causes mass loss of and money to repair the damage. Volcanic Disturbance:Within the mountains surrounding the basin there are manysmall shield and cinder cones along the southeast and eastern margins. Lava flow can flow to extents of 13km into the urban environs. Almost a quarter of Mexico City would be covered if this flow had taken place today.Slums:The slum population in Mexico city is 2.7 million people which is 15-25% of the population, this means that around a quarter of the people living in Mexico City are living in houses with unsuitable living conditions, this is the cause of high unemployment rates andlow paying jobs for squatters. Tokyo is situated in north-eastern Japan in the south Kanto region. It has a population of 13 282 271 people and is home to around 25%of Japans population. Since 2010 the population has risen by 5million people. Tokyo Is a major commuter city which mean thata lot of the people that work in Tokyo don't live within the city buttravel into the city for work. A census was taken in 2005 that showedthe population in Tokyo at midday was around 14.9 million whilethe population at midnight was only 12.4 million. Which mean around2.5 million people commute to Tokyo. Tokyo is also the richest city inthe world with a total GDP (gross domestic product) of $1.9 billionin 2005 with the second being New York with $600 million. The lifeexpectancy in Tokyo is 78.79 for men and 85.36 for women. the workforce contains 69.3% of people that are aged 15-64, 18.9% over 65and 11.8% children from 0-14. In the 19th century Tokyo then Edo was described as not a city but a collection of villagers. Tokyo ismade up of 23 wards or suburbs and contains three major cities within the metropolitan area. Things that Tokyo has done to handle urbanisation Tokyo has many factors that pull people into it's urban environment, such as the many cheap restaurants that provide quality food for low prices, the many cultural events and concerts and a great publictransport network that allows access to the whole city and the restof the country by either train or bus. There are many affordablehousing options with quality water and amenities provided. Less than 8% of the population live in slum conditions. Megacities are cities with a total population of 10 million plus residence. There are 33megacities in the world as of 2014. These cities are formed on the backbone of urbanisation and have many factors that pull people towards them such as the job opportunities that can be found in these urban areas and the easy was of life with many stores and restaurants within the area you may live. There are also push factors that send people away from these urban areas such as the high pollution, high cost ofliving, lack of blue-collar jobs and limited space. Some megacities have dealt with theseproblems well while some have fallen into debt, have become slum populated and facemany problems that the city must handle to improve the wellbeing of the residents.
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