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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Mining Enviromental Impacts Non-Renewable The industry faces difficulties like, having non-renewable resources in there industry such as coal,gold, zinc and copper The burning of the coal in factories is polluting the air that we breathe in, and that carbonates the plants around us In todays linear economy, products are manufactured, soldused, and then thrown away as waste. Instead of a linear economy, a circular economy would be better because it reduces the amount of waste. Products are constantly repaired and materials are almost always reused. If the economy changes into one that is cyclical, there will be a smaller need to mine for resources and the industry of mining can continue to operate without the worry of running out of resources in the near future The formal mining sector employs more than 3.7 million workers.In addition, more then 20 million people work in this particular industry. To prevent us from being harmed furthermore, they have pits in thenorthern parts of Canada where the land is not able to be farmed on, they have dug in to it and created pit. The struggles that this industry faces-running out of resources-economy struggles-environmentally trying to keep it stable There is no getting away with thefact that mining and the extraction of mineralresources from the earth are not sustainable.But, fortunately, there are ways that the industry can be improved in order for it the sustain for a long periodof time. Importance to Canada’s economy-minerals and metals are fundamental to Canada’s economy-it contributes greatly in Canada’s economic points along the value chain, including extracting, processing, and manufacturing-mining is a key input into a wide range of consumer products-there has been an overall decrease in the production value; estimated 5%; $43.6 billion-The value of metallic minerals production fell 1.6% in 2013 to $23.2 billion-The value of nonmetallic minerals production was also down in 2013, by 4.1%, to $15.8 billion-The value of Canada’s coal production declined nearly 21% in 2013 as a result of significantly lower export prices. With total production at $4.6 billion-. Notwithstanding price decreases, some commodities including gold and copper, had increased output and value-Potash, gold, and iron ore were the leading commodities by production value in 2013-Ontario led the provinces with a mineral production value of $9.8 billion-Quebec ranked second with mine shipments of $8.2 billion-Saskatchewan and then British Columbia followed with production values of $7.2 billion and $7.0 billion-These provinces accounted for nearly three-quarters of the value of Canadian mineral production in 2013-in 2010 there were 1.5 million people employed in the mining sector -The number of people working in mining jobs dropped significantly during the 2008 recession, although many of these jobs have since returned -mining employs an estimated 25 million people worldwide, and indirectly supports more than 150 million people -Mining also remains an important source of employment in Canada- In 2010, one out of every 50 Canadian workers was directly employed in mining, resulting in 308,000 jobs- In 2009, this sector accounted for 2.1% of Canada’s total employment yet contributed 2.7% ($31.9 billion) of Canada’s total GDP, down from 3.2% ($39.8 billion) in 2008 -Canadian mining industry also supports many jobs in shipping, rail and transportation -A 2011 analysis of the economic impacts of mining in British Columbia found that 21,112 people were employed directly in mining (2% of BC’s labor force), with an additional 16,590 jobs indirectly created -some challenges are: the availability and management of water Is the industry operating in a sustainable way? Environmentaly SustainableCanada's mining industry uses sustainable environmental practices that are designed to minimize the impacts of mining. The practices include:*reducing water and energy consumption *preventing soil, water, and air pollution at mine sites Mining is a very important resource to Canada's economy. The mining industry collects a variety of different things we need in our daily lives. In this poster, we will be covering the importance of how mining affects Canada's economy. What the mining industry will face. Also the sustainability of mining.The mining industry is important because most of our resources come from the industry such as jewelry, metals, oils, and all kinds of other resources that can be obtained in mining. After this infographic, we hope you learn and have a better understanding of Canada's mining industry.
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