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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 For open market the commitment environmental goes beyond words, is based in concrete actions, tangible and is as based the commitment of the senior management and partners of the organization, imparted as culture to all the collaborators.Through multiple internal recycling programs in place and in connection with the products of their customers, they aim to honor their philosophy of protecting the environment. SISOMA POLITYIndustrial Safety, Occupational Health and Environment, part of the nature of business, and are present in the process of strategic planning and design performed in Open Market. The aim is to prevent and mitigate the stacks or damage which could affect people, equipment, facilities and the environment. OPEN MARKET, IN FAVOR OF THE CHILDREN OF CIUDAD BOLÍVAR IN BOGOTA On the other hand, Open Market with help of their collaborators, they have been supporting to the Semilla de Vida Eterna foundation, more than 200 chindren that live in this underprivileged zone the city have benefited thanks to the voluntary contributions from them collaborators. Here is providing study, food, and child support. Open Market are have linked to the initiative through of patronage, which has allowed to many young to exceed your needs. OPEN GREENEcology at the service of mankind. CSR - OPEN MARKET REUSE REDUCE RECYCLE RECYCLING The care for the environment and the commitment with society are part of the corporate policies of Open Market, it manifest itself then respect for their collaborators, customers and community.
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