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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Behavioral Adaptations Introduction The great white shark, also known as the great white, is a form of lamniform shark that can be found on the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. It is mainly known for its great size ( and its life span of 30 years to 70 years making it the longest living shark ever known. The great white is mainly predated on by orcas, and is one of the primary predators of marine mammals. To find their food, great whites are seen to travel great distances. The question is why?”, why do sharks travel great distances to find food or to perform any other necessities. Claim We believe, sharks travel great deals of distance to forage for food and mating sites when their previous location is depleted of food and other sharks. Fish move because their previous location ran out of food, mates, and other resources they need to survive. So sharks, depending on their prey to live, follow these fish while foraging the oceans in the path they are moving. This way sharks can find a better source of food if their previous supply ran out, and find mates to reproduce if their previous site ran out of the opposite gender. In this source of information, the article states that sharks move long distances for a scarcity of food and mates in their previous location. The reward of moving great distances despite the difficulties of travelling in the first place is the secret of their energy. Meanwhile, sharks needs to reproduce will only be satisfied when they track down a mate, and that usually needs some travelling. Sharks are solitary animals, and for them to find a mate, they need to travel. Evidence Shark Following Prey Based on the research conducted and the proof that our claim is right, we have decided that great white sharks travel great distances because of tracking their prey during seasonal change, and following their peers looking for mates. Katherine, a great white shark tracked by OCEARCH, proves this claim. On the tracking device, her pings form a route to the south during the summer, when seals usually reproduce on the south shores of Florida, etc. Then later on during that season, she moves back up to her homeland when the seals are scarce, and the other prey that reproduce during winter have a population boost due to the lack of predators. This way, Katherine and her possible mate comes back to the north by Maine or New York, to consume the winter prey. Conclusion Katherine Great White Shark Katherine's migration route
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