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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Migracion Y Remesas 73% 100% 27% Otros Los Angeles Nueva York Miami 46% 36% 10% 8% $ Cuidades Mas Comunes Donde Viven Guatemaltecos: 2014:$4,649,793 2013:$5,105,189 2012:$4,782,728 Ingresos Anuales:En miles de $(2014 no incluye Noviembre y Diciembre) Low High Average Financial advisors say that even the clients that hire them are only of average financial acumen. More than 60% rated their clients financial knowlege as mid-level. YOLOLOLOASESINO The AdviceIQ financial literacy survey was conducted online in March 2013 using AIQ's database of U.S.Financial Advisors to randomly poll thousands of advisors. Three hundred fifty advisors participated with representative client bases of both high-net worth and middle-income investors. This is the first annual survey of financial literacy released by AdviceIQ, a groundbreaking online directory of trusted financial advisors and publisher of syndicated personal finance content and advisor rankings. = La remesas es el envió de algo de un lugar hacia otro. Normalmente para los inmigranteslo que se envia es dinero. Los Guatemaltecos tienden a inmigrar a paises como Estados Unidos, Mexico y España. Se calcula que de todas las personas que envian remesasal pais, 73% son hombres y 27% son mujeres 2011:$4,378,032 En total, en Guatemala hay 3,7 millones de beneficiarios, de los cuales el 43% resideen áreas urbanas y el 57% en área rural.
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