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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1) A diagnosis of cancer could wrongly be made or actual patients having cancer could be missed2) If the chemical structure of cancerous cell altered, the dog may not be able to detect the cancer3) Trained dogs detect cancer only 10 % of the time 4) Few dogs have strong olfactory capabilities SNIFFING OUT CANCER Dogs should not be used to assist health care professionals in the detection of cancer. NOT 100% RELIABLE USED ONLY FOR EARLY DETECTION DOGS REQUIRE SPECIAL CARE DOGS REQUIRE SPECIAL CARE EXPENSES Did you know?Scientists & chemists had developed an electronic nose that smells VOCs and distinguish between cancer types 1) After early detection, imaginary technologies such as X-rays, MRI scans, must be used 2) Dogs are not capable of distinguishing between various types of cancer 3) Trained dogs only able to detect few types of cancer such as lung cancer 4) Many samples are needed such as urine, breath samples to help the trained dogs Volatile organic compounds are made by the fatty acids that cover the plasma membrane. These fats produce alkanes and methlyalkane which are broken by P-450 oxidase( an enzyme) into VOCs, that dogs are able to smell Did you know? 1) Dogs' trainers require expenses2) the equipment used for dogs to sniff cancer require money3) It costs money to buy supplies4) the place, where dogs are trained, needs its own supplies 1) Dogs require to be housed, fed & groomed2) They require special health check-ups frequently3) Since they are animals, they need to interact with other dogs4) dogs get tried after few hours
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