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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 B2B Vs B2C Targeting businesses and customers through Email Marketing is totally different Drive them emotionally by stating the importance and requirement of your product in their life. The key points for targeting B2C to fit into the imagination of their ideal seller or retailer Email Marketing Contact Us Let's learn the intricacies of running a successful Email Marketing Campaign They can be easily convinced for impulse buying as they are single handed to take the decision. Sending same kind of newsletter to both business and customers is sheer wastage of time and efforts as both have different requirements and understandings .You should understand their needs differently and then target them with the offers and services they actually require. They never find someone tohave long-term relationship. They always look for instant benefits. Always look for product specific attributeslike cost, ease of use and longevity The key points for targeting B2C to fit into the imagination of their ideal seller or retailer They cannot be driven emotionally, they can be made to purchase products or services based on facts and convincing reasons to avail the services. Decisions are made by a team. So they cannot be prompted for impulse buying. They haveto convince their seniors with facts for purchasing. They are experts of their niche so they cannot be targeted with unauthentic or half information about market conditions or product. They always try to have long-term relationship, so they should be targeted keeping the aim in mind. Keep these things in mind before sending newsletters.
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