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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TITLE 2014 2015 Hybrid Learning Blended Learning Flipped Classrooms Collaborative Learning Professional Development Goal-based learning Game-Based Learning Mobile Learning Increased interactions ImprovesEngagement Improves Retention and Outcomes Promote Mastery of Content Teachers as Coaches and Facilitators In keeping with the goals of learning Pedagogical Strategies CostEffective Top 10 Trends forin Learning and Instructional Design Increased Learning Time Targeted mostly at higher learning institutions. Brief, prerecorded video lectures or podcasts viewed at home; classroom time used for interactive activities: e.g. discussions, feedback, exercises, projects(7 Things You Should Know About... Flipped Classrooms, 2012) Targeted mostly at higher learning institutions. Brief, prerecorded video lectures or podcasts viewed at home; classroom time used for interactive activities: e.g. discussions, feedback, exercises, projects(7 Things You Should Know About... Flipped Classrooms, 2012) Any Class Structure Social Media Innovation and Creativity Facilitates Connections ActiveLearning 2014 to2016 Variety ofmedia Supports Information& MediaLiteracy Facilitatestransitionfrm schoolto work Information Buzzway Information Buzz-way Learning fromeach other Grounded inresearch &theory (Bandura, Vygotsky;Piaget (Culatta, 2013) Everday way of life for billions of users; e.g.Facebook 12 billion users74% of all internet users (Pew Research Center, 2014) Creators of Content; sharing and learning about topics of interest 2016 Gamification Personalized Learning Using games (gaming consoles, smart devices, laptops, desktops)to promote learning about and solving real-world issues; developing metacognitive skills;and learning for life Multiplayers; avatars Competing with other players Failureis not a setback Enhances motivation & engagement with course content & activities Gaming activities incorporated into a non-game learning environment; double click to change this header text! Points; scoring; competition; feedback; subject content Gamemechanics
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