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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 On Foot Sleeping Conditions Tanks vs Sleeping conditions Death Coverage Weather When you slept you got be be out of the cold and out of the rain there was a dry warm spot to had cover also, you were out of danger of being shot or attacked Death No Cover Cold and wet It was warm, dry, and uncomfortable at times. Sometimes it would get too hot in the Tanks and it would cause deaths. There was a total of 1million deaths caused bymobilized vehicles.(Most were caused by tanks.) In Tanks you were out of the weather, like the rain, wind, heat. When you were in the tanks you didn't have to worry about Trench Foot, you just had to worry about the heat. TRENCHES About 4.1 million people died in WWI (Not counting the people in tanks) In WWI they had to crouch when they went through the trenches. They eventually stacked dead bodies on top so they could stand as they walked through. In WWI Great Britian decided to make something that would be able to go through all of the barbed wire. They thought that these tanks would be almost indestructible Inside the Tanks When they went to sleep they had no blankets or pillows to sleep with. They had to sleep on the wet muddy ground. They would sometimes use whatever they could find to keep warm, like hay, straw, and their jackets. When they went through the trenches they didn't have warm enough clothes, also at the bottom of the trenches it was wet and muddy which seeped through their boots. It was hard to walk through the trenches, and many times people got trench foot. The coverage in the Tanks was better than being on foot. But you also had a chance of heat exhaustion, which that can cause deaths. So the tanks weren't always safer than on foot. (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (Military, May 11th 2007) (published by Military history) (© 2014 WW1 Facts) (Jul 7th, 2007)
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