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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Good Morning, Mr Zip-Zip-Zip!Verse 1We come from ev'ry quarter,From North, South, East and West,To clear the way to freedomFor the land we love the best.We've left our occupationsand home, so far and dear,But when the going's rather rough,We raise this song in cheer:Chorus: to be sung twice after each verseGood morning, Mister Zip-Zip-Zip,With your hair cut just as short as mine,Good morning, Mister Zip-Zip-Zip,You're surely looking fine!Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust,If the Cam-ls don't get you,The Fatimas must,Good morning, Mister Zip-Zip-Zip,With your hair cut just as short as,your hair cut just as short as,your hair cut just as short as mine.(Reublin, N.D) Reublin, T (N.D.). WW1 Propaganda songs. Retrieved from Propaganda songs "Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire"If you want to find the generalI know where he isI know where he isI know where he isIf you want to find the generalI know where he isHe's pinning another medal on his chestI saw him, I saw himPinning another medal on his chestPinning another medal on his chestIf you want to find the colonelI know where he isI know where he isI know where he isIf you want to find the colonelI know where he isHe's sitting in comfort stuffing his bloody gutI saw him, I saw himSitting in comfort stuffing his bloody gutIf you want to find the seargent(Not Listed, N.D) Not Listed (N.D.). Song Retrieved from Not Listed (N.D.). Picture. Retrieved from Not Listed(10,27,2007). Picture. Retrieved from (Not Listed, N.D.) (Not Listed 10, 27, 2007) Propaganda- information, ideas, or rumors spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, or nation. Central Powers vs. Allies The songs were used to bring men to help in the war and aid there country
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