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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Dorothea DixIn 1841, after working at a prison in East Cambrige, Dorothea Dix was exposed to its horrible conditions in which violent criminals and the mentally ill were living side by side. After documenting the conditions of several prisons, she shared her findings with the legislature of Massachusetts. Due to her reports, funds were set aside to expand the state mental hospital in Worcester. Treatment of the Mentally Ill In the 1820-30s humanitarian reformers noticed that the treatment of the mentally ill was still poor. Reformers then began to set up improved public institutions. Dix played a major role in founding 32 mental hospitals and 15 schools for the feeble minded Dorothea Dix went on to accomplish similar goals in Rhode Island, New York, and Europe The Asylum MovementThe Asylum Movement made people realize that the mentally ill need a place of refuge, and should not be punished like a prisoner. This movement led to the establishment of insane asylums like the Friends Asylum, the very first asylum which was established in 1817 near Frankford, Pennsylvania. However the asylums were very small, and the mentallyill were still being thrown into prisons. Elizabeth PackardAfter returning from a mental hospital, Elizabeth Packard worked for the rights of the mentally ill and published many books of her expierences in a mental hospital. One of her books is called "Insane Asylums Unveiled" and was published in 1873.
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