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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 In late 2011, the population of the official metropolitan area of Jakarta was recorded as 10.1million, qualifying it as a megacity. In reality, however the population of greater Jakarta (that is the suburbs surrounding the metropolitan area) brings the total population close to 19Million.Slums sit alongside skyscrapers, modern homes and luxury hotels. One of the biggest problems In Jakarta is the fresh water supply. The current piped system is largely ineffective, so most residents use bores to obtain their fresh water. Cairo Cairo has an estimated population of 12million and with a metropolitan population of 22million.The citys size is 93369Km2(WPR,10/19/14). The structure is very dense with high density housing, which means that there are very big and very tall buildings. Higher buildings are built to support more people. The Nile has fresh water which supports much poorer people. The tourist attractions arent very close to the city so the city isnt as crowded. A rise in population means that there are more people, and all of these people need to have places to live. The city grew in three different directions: outward, upward, and inward. There are many schools and hospitals in Cairo to prevent over crowded places and better services for the residents of Cairo. Indonesia I was born in Seraipanok and raised with my parents and 24 siblings. We do not have enough money to move to the next town. The social problems in this town are that the streets are very crowded and the cars fill the streets, the police system is corrupted so there are many crimes and murders. The environmental issues here are the water is not fresh and the atmosphere is very polluted. The economic problems are that there are many residents and the country is very poor which means our salary is very low. If our country was richer we wouldnt have most of these problems. We would have better salaries, better water and cleaner air. Seraipanok A megacity is a metropolitan area with a total access of ten million people. Megacities came into existence because the growth of large cities and metropolitan areas has been so significant that some cities have become megacities. A megacity looks like a very dense area of people with high density housing and many industrial buildings covering a large area. Urbanisation is the process of economic and social change in which an increasing proportion of a country in urban areas. global population trends refers to the population growth in particular countries and cities. By 2030 nearly 60% of the worlds population will live in an urban area. Population growth is declining in developed countries (nations such as Japan or the USA) and increasing in developing countries (many poorer nations in Africa for example). Rural urban migration is when people leave rural areas and migrate to urban areas this is known as the push pull factor.An example of this would be a person moving from a farm to a megacity, this migration may be caused by lack of work, food or money The rise of the megacity
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