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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 United States Constitution PreambleWe the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establishjustice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article II To outline therestrictions andallowances of the President, Senate,and House of Representatives The President has a four yearterm, with a maximum of twoterms.The President must be 35 yearsold, and a resident of the U.S. for 14 years.The number of electors must beequal to the whole number ofsenators/representatives thatthe state is entitled in CongressA senator or representative maynot be an elector.If an American is born outside ofthe U.S., but on a U.S. military base, they may still becomepresident.If the president dies or is disabled, the order of successionis as follows:1. Vice President2. Speaker of the House3. President Pro Tempore of theState4. Secretary of State5. Secretary of the Treasury6. Secretary of DefenseThe President is not allowed apay increase or decrease whilein officeThe only instane in which a pardon cannot be issued is in the case of impeachment.The President may not make atreaty on their own, 2/3 of thesenators must agree.The President appoints ambassadors and judges. The senate has an equal number ofrepresentatives whereas the House of Representatives is based on poulation.The purpose of the State of UnionAddress is to inform the peoplewhat the president will do.The President is the Commanderin Chie for the armed forces.The President may beimpeached in the case of treason, bribery, or other highcrimes or misdemeanors. Article I To outline thepowers andlimits of the Congress The powers ofcongress includemaking laws,spending andraising revenue,borrowing moneyby issuingbonds, creatingcommerce internationally,establishing naturalization andbankruptcy, coiningmoney and regulating thevalue of it,providing punishment forthe counterfeitingof money, establishing postoffices and postroads, grantingcopyrights andpatents, constitutingtribunals inferiorto the SupremeCourt, defining andpunishing piracy,declaring war, raising and supporting the armyand navy, suppressinginsurrections andrepelling invasions,providing for organizing, arming,and disciplining armies, and settingup the capital of the United Statesoutside the jurisdiction of anystate.There are twoparts to Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives.Members of the House of Representativesare elected everysecond year, theymust have been a US citizen for atleast 7 years, and they must be 25to be eligible for office.Members of the Senate's terms are 6 years, they are required to live in thestate they are a senator of, and theymust be 30 to be eligible for office.There are two senatorsper state. The president of theSenate is the VicePresident. If the VicePresident is absent,the president pro tempore serves.The Senate can remove a memberfor disorderlybehaviorwith a 2/3 concurrence.The House ofRepresentativeshas the power ofimpeachment.The Senate'srole in the precedings isto convene as a court.2/3 of the 100senators mustvote for the conviction inan impeachment for it to pass.If the presidentis convicted inthe hearing, theyare punished bybeing removedfrom office andprevented fromholding anotherfederal position.Congress as awhole must meetevery year. Inorder for these meetings to bevalid, each Housemust meet a quorum of 218/435(House of Representatives),and 51/100 (TheSenate).Neither house mayadjourn this meetingfor more thanthree days or moreto another locationwithout theapproval of theother house.
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