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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Presidential Powers Executive Powers DiplomaticPowers The president has the power to execute all federal laws The ordinance power gives the president the power to issue necessary orders and implement them The appointment power gives the power to the president to appoint subordinates who support the policies of the President's Administration The president only has the power to remove people he appointed and those who lead to "inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office." The president has the power to ratify a treaty with a foreign state but a 2/3 vote by senate needs to be established before the ratification The president has the power to make an executive agreement with the head of a foreign state, or their subordinates. Does not require senate consent. When the president receives diplomatic representatives of another sovereign state, he exercises the power of recognition. He/She acknowledges the legal existence of that country and government. MilitaryPowers President is the commander of chief of the nation's armed forces. His powers of commander in chief are almost without limit. Constitution does not give the president the power to declare war without congress approval but it has happened numerous times Congress doesn't have to declare war but can call for Congressional resolutions that authorize the President to meet certain international crises with military force To limit the President's power to declare war the War Powers Resolution was created. It gave congress a way to be more involved in the President's war decisions LegislativePowers The constitution gives the President what is often called the message power. He gives three speeches to congress: State of Union, President's Budget, and the Annual Economic Report. Then he calls on Congress to enact those laws he finds will help the country. The president can veto a bill in three different ways. He can veto the bill and the measure must be returned to Congress. The pocket veto can be used if Congress adjourns within 10 days of sending a bill to the President and the chief executive does not act on it. The line-item veto which gives the President the power to cancel specific dollar amounts in spending bills enacted by Congress Judicial Powers President has the power to extend an execution sentence and it is called a reprieve. President has the power to pardon anyone which is to give legal forgiveness. President has the power of commutation, the power to shorten the sentence of a prisoner The President has the power of amnesty, it is a blank pardon offered to a group of law violators Text and shapes: easel.lyInformation:Text Book
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