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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Gwiazdka 2014 - wzrost obrotów na poziomie 24-49% 51.7% 39% = 9.2% The majority of advisors say that men are more financially literate. 39% of the rest say both genders are about the same. Just over 9% say women are wiser about money. About the same 30s-40s 40s-50s 60s and older 18% 6% 40% 36% $ Which age group is most financially literate? WEALTHIER CLIENTS ARE MORE FINANCIALLY SAVVY59.1% of advisors said that wealthier clients are the most financially literate, but more than a third said that wealth doesn't predetermine money skills. Biggest client mistakes... Waiting toolong to start saving Sell Low,Buy High Underestimate Longevity Risk Failureto have a will Lack of Life Insurance Low High Average Financial advisors say that even the clients that hire them are only of average financial acumen. More than 60% rated their clients financial knowlege as mid-level. MOST CLIENTS HAVE AVERAGE FINANCIAL LITERACY Ponad 35% właścicieli prognozuje lepsze i znacznie lepsze wyniki sprzedaży niż w roku ubiegłym dla zbliżającego się okresu zakupów świątecznych. Najwięcej z nich (ponad 40%) szacuje wzrosty na poziomie 25-49% w stosunku do zeszłorocznych zysków. Są to bardzo ostrożne oceny - jednak w odniesieniu do lat ubiegłych pokazują dość stabilny obraz e-handlu w okresie świątecznym. Dla większości branż sklepów internetowych to czas intensywnej pracy, ale też dobrych wyników sprzedaży. The AdviceIQ financial literacy survey was conducted online in March 2013 using AIQ's database of U.S.Financial Advisors to randomly poll thousands of advisors. Three hundred fifty advisors participated with representative client bases of both high-net worth and middle-income investors. This is the first annual survey of financial literacy released by AdviceIQ, a groundbreaking online directory of trusted financial advisors and publisher of syndicated personal finance content and advisor rankings.
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