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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Stalin also was responsible for the deaths of millions of Soviet peasants who opposed his program of collective agriculture (government control of farms). Stalin ruled by terror during most of his years as dictator. He allowed no one to oppose his decisions. Stalin executed or jailed most of those who had helped him rise to power because he feared they might threaten his rule. After Stalin became dictator, he had Soviet histories rewritten to make his role in past events appear far greater than it really was. Stalin became dictator of the Soviet Union, he had history books rewritten to say that he had led the revolution with Lenin. Stalin started the first of the Soviet Union's five-year plans for economic development. The government began to eliminate private businesses. Production of industrial machinery and farm equipment became more important, and production of clothing and household goods was neglected. Stalin's growing power began to disturb Lenin. Stalin changed the Soviet Union from an undeveloped country into one of the world's great industrial and military powers. the Russian secret police had often arrested revolutionists and sent them into exile without trial. Millions of persons were executed or sent to labor camps. Stalin also turned over many industries to the secret police.Fear spread. The last years that Stalin ruled the Soviet Union were marked by the Cold War, in which many non-Communist nations banded together to halt the spread of Communism. The last years that Stalin ruled the Soviet Union were marked by the Cold War, in which many non-Communist nations banded together to halt the spread of Communism. The KGB (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti--Committee for State Security) is the civilian arm of Russian intelligence responsible, before the demise of the Soviet Union in December 1991, for domestic security and foreign intelligence gathering. From its inception in 1917, the Soviet Union emphasized tight control over its citizens through pervasive intelligence gathering. The most important elements of the KGB were the first chiefdirectorate, which was responsible for all foreign operations.
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