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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Chief Justice was John Marshal. Facts: William Marbury was named justice of the peace for the district of Columbia.This appointment was part of a series of last minute appointments by President Johm Adams before the end of his administration. The incoming Jefferson administration chose not to honor those appointmens because formal commissions had not been delivered by the end of Adam's term.Marbury petitioned the Supreme Court for a wrist of mandamus ordering his appointment by the Jefferson Administration. Landmark Supreme Court Cases that Shaped Government Powers Marbury v. Madison (1803) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) The Chief Justice was John Marshal. Facts:In 1816 congress chartered the secondbank of the U.S. In 1818 the state of Maryland passed legislation to imposetaxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bankrefused to pay the tax. The constitutional question was:Did the Maryland law unconstitutionally interfere with congressional powers? - (7-0) in favor of McCulloch The constitutional question was:Decided if the congress could expand the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? - Unanimous (4-0) decision Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) The Chief Justice was John Marshal. Facts:In this case Thomas Gibbons a steamboat owner who didbusiness between New York and New Jersey under a federal coastal licence, challenged the monopoly licencegranted by New York to Aaron Ogden . New York courts consistetly upheld the state monopoly. The constitutional question was:What was the meaning of the word commerce in the constitution? -(6-0) in favor of Gibbons The Chief Justice was Warren E. Burger. US v. Nixon (1974) The constitutional question was:Is the constitutionality of Senate rule XI nonjusticiable because it involves apolitical question? - Unanimous (8-0) ruling against Nixon Facts:Nixon, a chief judge of the U.S district court was the subject of an impeachment hearing before the Senate.The Senate appointed a committee under senate rule XIto create a report regarding the impeachment.Based on the findings, the Senate convicted Nixon by more than the constitutionally required two-thirdsvote. Nixoncommenced suit, claiming that Senate violatesthe constitutional grant of authority. The Chief Justice was William Rehnquist. Clinton v. New York (1998) Facts:The Appellees brought an action in the Supreme Court of United States againstthe President of the United States William Clinton. The Appellees arguedthat President Clintons use of the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 to void a partof Title XIX of the Social Security Act and a part of Taxpayer Relief Actof 1997 is an unconstitutional use of legislative power. The constitutional question was:Is it a constitutional use of powers to permit the Presidentto veto a portion of a statute under theAct that has been signed into law by Congress? - (6-3) decision
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