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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 several days prio to his marriage the bridegroomselects a spot, from three or five miles fromthe main is festooned with wild flowers, and generally embowered among the trees in a place difficultto discover. retreating with his bride. several days prio to his marriage the bridegroomselects a spot, from three or five miles fromthe main is festooned with wild flowers, and generally embowered among the trees in a place difficultto discover. retreating with his bride. Apache Wedding food items for the feast include fry bead, venison, squash,beans, corn, corn soup, potato soup, and many desserts. fresh fruit such as bluebarries, raspberriesand the "heart" berry, strawberries, and served if avaliable there may be a wedding cake. traditional weddings, the food is placed on a blanket. the food is blessed, the edlers and the offciant eat first, the the bride and groom, sponcers and the other guests. no food is wasted . she is deemed marriageablethe girl is dressed in all her finery. small bells are hung to the skirt of her buckskin robe and along the side of her high moccasins. bit of tinsel are profusley scattered all over her attire, until she is fairly weighed down by the quantity of herornament. apache believe that in the universe thre exists the Great Spirit- a spiritual force that is the source of life.the Great Spirit is notpictured as a manin the sky but it is believedto be formless and to exist throughout the universe.the sun is viewed as a manifestation, power of theGreat Spirit. water is used as a symbol of purification and clensing. the bride and the groom have a ceremonial washingof hands to wash away eviland memories of past loves. singing is the doinant form of musical exspression,with instumental music serving primarily as rythmic accomplishment.appache love songs are often playedby men on flutes. instruments such as drums and rattles, flutes and whistle. a very powerful musical presentation may be that of a group of men sitting around a large double-headed drum singing. in preparation for the giveaway,th future bride and groom make hundreds of gifts. a gift will be given to each person attending th celebration.the type of gifts are diffrent upon thetalent and financial ability of the couple. some native american wedding cerimoniesare informal,while others are quite formal.
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