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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipsisicing elit, sed Ut 10 40 Cyber Bullying Todays teens use technology more than ever!Most have high-speed internet access, which they use to send messagesto their friends,share videos and photos, keep personal profiles onsocial networking websites, and more. Many teens also havemobile phones and spend hours messaging friends. Technology,especially the Internet, allows all of us immediate access to information,which can greatly benefit our lives. Only 11% talked to someone. 43% percent of teenshave been victims of cyberbullying in the last year. Cyberbullying is using the Internet, cell phones, videogame systems, or other technologyto send or post textor images intendedto hurt or embarrassanother person 2/3 of teenagers have experienced or know someone who has been affected by online bullyingor trolling. had an experiencethat resulted in a face-to-face argument. say somethingon social mediacaused a problemwith their parents got into a physical fight because of something that happened on asocial networking site. ended a friendship because of something thathappened on a social networking site. last year alone 45,000 children contacted Childline about cyber bullying! 22% 13% felt nervous to goto school the next day because of an experience of cyber bullying on a social networking site. 8% 25% 25%
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