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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 For almost six years people had a horrible life:rationing food, evacuating, etc. The Beginning of World War II Dates: The war began on the 3rd of September in 1939. Countries involved: Allies:AustraliaBelgiumBraziland more Axis:GermanyJapanItalyand more Why World War two started: The war started because Germany still had to recognize that the British naval supermacy was better than German soldiers. Protection from attacks Air mask Air mask were made to protectpeople for gas attacks. They are made of black rubberthat is very smelly and hot. Evacuation Children and women had to evacuate.It was an idea from the government to protect people. It didnt end untilmarch 1946. Blackouts The blackout meant that people had to cover their windows and doors at night with heavy blackout curtains for soldiers not to see the light and attack the house. Shelters There were used to protectpeople from bombs attacks. 2 types Morrison shelters Anderson shelters world War II War affectingpeoples daily life Food People could only buy three pints, need to the value 1/2 d: about 7 p, cheese 4 oz, margarine: 3 oz, sugar :8 tea: 4 per week. Rationing What was available was rationed.Everymember of the publicwas issuedwith a ration book. Air - Raids There were usually used by the Axis. There were planes that attacked to the enemys. Sirens There were used to alarm citizens to evacuate or put on their gas masks. Life for Jewish people Laws were made of what Jews could do or not. Growing up in wartime School Children had to take regularly gas drills. End of WW2 It ended in 1945At the end of the warthe families were joinedagain.The war madepeople homeless.Their were people without their families. The Jewish like Anne Frank were forced to think they were lower to anyone else, because they had different religions.
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