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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Anthropocene Where Are We? What Can We Do To Change This 203.8 billion acres of forest have been lost in my lifetime. How Did We Get Here? Hunt And Gathering Stage- We didn't make an impact.We were in harmony with the Earth. I'll be...67 years old whenwe run out of oil69 years old whenwe run out of coal127 years old whenwe run out of gas The population has increased by 1,116,084,210 since I was born. The Save Food from the Fridge project by Jihyun Ryou turns the concept of a fridge upside down and uses traditional and natural processes to preserve food. NEST created by ex ipod designers is a learning thermostat for the 21st Century.Seymourpowell worked with fuel-cell manufacturers Intelligent Energy (IE) to create, design and prototype the ENV, the world's first fuel-cell powered motorcycle. Created by German designer Stephane Auguston after a visit to the Canary Islands, Water Cones are an easy-to-use and portable one-person solar still, which transforms salt water into purified drinking water simply through sunshine. BMWi sees the global carmaker adopt an integrated approach to sustainable mobility, extending the brand beyond simply the physical car design. Agricultural- We started making an impact.Population increase, Deforestation, Increased water usage. Industrial- We started making a biggerImpact. Population increase, Air pollution from burning fuels,Deforestation, Large number of people living in cities. Post-Industrial- We started making a huge impact.Population increase, Air pollution from burning fuels,Deforestation, Increased water usage, Loss of biodiversity, Large number of people living in cities.
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