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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Anabolic Steroids STATISTICS: Five to 12 percent of male high school students and 1 percent of female students have used anabolic steroids by the time they are seniors. Annual use of steroids was much lower among girls (0.7 percent in the 12th grade); the total for all 12th-graders was 1.8 percent. It was lower as well among younger, 10th-grade high-schoolers, 1.2 percent. And recent use in the past month, rather than in the past year was lower still. Short-term:1) Acne2) Fluid retention3) Rapid weight gain4) Increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels5) Insomnia (inability to sleep) Will have a significant impact on their mood and behavior. They are stimulants=increases activity in the body.Can be taken orally, injected, applied as cream or gel. Many ways to use this drug. Aggressive behavior. Long-term:1) Blood clotting difficulties2) Heart attacks a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss & illegally by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance. STREET NAMES: Oxandrolone Anavar sometimes called Var Oxymetholone Anadrol sometimes called Drol Methandrostenolone Dianabol often referred to as Dbol Methenolone Primobolan often called Primo Stanozolol Winstrol often called Winny Fluoxymesterone Halotestin often called HaloInjectable Street Names for Steroids:: Nandrolone-Decanoate Deca-Durabolin often called Deca BoldenoneUndeclynate Equipoise often called EQ Drostanolone Masteron only referred to by trade name NandrolonePhenylpropionate numerous common trade names often called NPP STREET NAMES:· Oxandrolone Anavar sometimes called Var· Oxymetholone Anadrol sometimes called Drol· Methandrostenolone Dianabol often referred to as Dbol· Methenolone Primobolan often called Primo· Stanozolol Winstrol often called Winny· Fluoxymesterone Halotestin often called HaloInjectable Street Names for Steroids::· Nandrolone-Decanoate Deca-Durabolin often called Deca· Boldenone-Undeclynate Equipoise - often called EQ· Drostanolone Masteron only referred to by trade name· Nandrolone-Phenylpropionate numerous common trade names often called NPP STATISTICS: Five to 12 percent of male high school students and 1 percent of female students have used anabolic steroids by the time they are seniors. Annual use of steroids was much lower among girls (0.7 percent in the 12th grade); the total for all 12thgraders was 1.8 percent. It was lower as well among younger, 10thgrade highschoolers, 1.2 percent. And recent use in the past month, rather than in the past year was lower still. STATISTICS: Five to 12 percent of male high school students and 1 percent of female students have used anabolic steroids by the time they are seniors. Annual use of steroids was much lower among girls (0.7 percent in the 12th grade); the total for all 12th-graders was 1.8 percent. It was lower as well among younger, 10th-grade high-schoolers, 1.2 percent. And recent use in the past month, rather than in the past year was lower still. by: Quawnte' Lee SOURCES:- google-
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