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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How We Can Stop Sedimentation! By: Jack Costa Water Quality Issues Affect:-Fish-Wildlife-Their Habitat Caused mostly by sedimentation!!! Too Much Sedimentation=Flooding Ways To Stop Sedimentation: Infiltrate Runoff Consequences: Positive- 1.) The storm drain system reduces the amount of runoff. 2.) Concrete block structures covcering the ground will help manage stormwater.3.) Redirecting downspouts away from the house and toward grassy areas, will allow water infiltration.Negative- 1.) Impermeable surfaces decrease infiltration and groundwater recharge. 2.) Increases in stormwater runoff. 3.) Runoff from storms that enter creeks or rivers, have debris and oils. Keep Paved Surfaces Clean Consequences: Positive- 1.) If kept clean, left over grass will not enter and clog up any sewers. 2.) If the streets are clean, leaves will not find a way into pipes. 3.) Having a permeable pavement will allow water infiltration.Negative- 1.) Grass clippings will get into your sewers. 2.) Leaves could find a way into your pipes and will also clog it. 3.)Lrge rocks will decrease water flow. Use Fertilizer Wisely Consequences: Positive- 1.) To determine the correct amount of fertilizer, you will need to know about the plant's soil. 2.) The plant will grow the correct span over time with the correct amount of fertilizer. 3.) The plant will be 100% healthy if applied the correct amount of fertilizer.Negative- 1.) If applied in insufficient amounts, your plants will exhibit yellowing of the leaves. 2.) Leaves will die if they don't have the coorect amount of fertilizer. 3.) If you applied over the amount of fertilizer, then your plant will result in vigorous growth. 3 Steps of Using Fertilizer Wisely Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Understand what chemical fertilizers are made of! Research the nutrient requirements for the crop you are growing! Have your soil tested to understand what compounds are needed for your crops!
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