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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Dramatic Irony Metaphor "long before the yearswas up, Janie noticedthat her husband hadstop talking to her inrhymes to her. P27 Symbolism " Foreshado w double click to change this title text! Their Eyes Were Watching God Hehan Zhang double click to change this header text! Main Conflict,Theme,And Climax Theme: Love vs IndependenceThe main character Janie is a very independent women who achieves a strong sense of self and appreciate her independence. She views fullfuilling relationship as reciprocal and base on mutual respect.Janiesquest for spiritual fulfillment is fundamentally a self-centered one. Sheis alone at the end yet seems content. She liberates herself from her unpleasant and unfulfilling relationships with Logan and Jody, who hinderher personal journey. Through her relationship with Tea Cake, Janie experiences true fulfillment and enlightenment and becomes secure in her independence. She feels a deep connection to the world around her and even feels that the spirit of Tea Cake is with her. Thus, even though she is alone, she doesnt feel alone. Love vs IndependenceThe main character Janie is a very independent women who achieves a strong sense of self and appreciate her independence. She views fullfuilling relationship as reciprocal and base on mutual respect.Janies quest for spiritual fulfillment is fundamentally a selfcentered one.She is alone at the end yet seems content. She liberatesherself from her unpleasant and unfulfilling relationships with Logan and Jody, who hinder her personaljourney. Through her relationship with Tea Cake, Janie experiencestrue fulfillment and enlightenment and becomes secure in her independence.She feels a deep connection to the world around her and even feels that the spirit of Tea Cakeis with her. Thus, even though she is alone, she doesnt feel alone.. Love vs IndependenceThe main character Janie is a very independent women who achieves a strong sense of self and appreciate her independence. She views fullfuilling relationship as reciprocal and base on mutual respect.Janies quest for spiritual fulfillment is fundamentally a self-centered one.She is alone at the end yet seems content. She liberatesherself from her unpleasant and unfulfilling relationships with Logan and Jody, who hinder her personaljourney. Through her relationship with Tea Cake, Janie experiencestrue fulfillment and enlightenment and becomes secure in her independence.She feels a deep connection to the world around her and even feels that the spirit of Tea Cakeis with her. Thus, even though she is alone, she doesnt feel alone.. Janies marriage to Joe Starks is an example of Situational Irony.They are expected to live happilyever after, but that is not how theirstory ends.Irony is a key aspect forthis gripping novel. So Janie began to think of Death.Death, that strangebeing with huge square toes wholived way in the West. The greatone who lived in the straight houselike a platform without ides to it, and withouta roof. P84 And then again HIM-with-the-square-toes had gone backto his house. He stood oncemore and again in his high flathouse without sides to it andwithout a roof with his soullesssword standing upright in his hand.(168) Now women forget allthose things they dontwant to remember, andremember everything they dont want to forget.The dream is the truth.Then they act and dothings accordingly.(p 1) This quotes tellsabout the progression of Janies dreams oflove and freedom. Theme double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Main Conflict The main conflict in this novel is Janie's struggle to form heridentity but finds it hard because she is constantly being molded to someone the authoritative people in her life demand out of her thereby giving up her desires and aspirations in order to confirm to other people's notion ofhow they think she ought to be. This is especially evident when Jody silences her in front of the towns people. Lateron though she gains the courage to defense herself and talkback to the cruel teasing Jody finally owning up to true self identity. Climax The storm worsen and a vicious dog tries to hurt Janie.Quote: "The Dog stood up and growl like a lion, stiff standing hackles, stiff muscles, teeth uncovered as helashes up his fury for the charge," P166 Simile "the room inside looked like the mouth of an alligator-gaped wideopen to swallow something down," (Hurston 118.) "Love is lak de sea. It's uh movin' thing, but still and all,it takes its shape from de shore it meets,and it's differentwith every shore" (191). Personification He drifted off into sleep and Janie looked down on him and felt a self-crushing love. So her soul crawled out from its hiding place. Janie fell in love with Tea Cake and finally felt like she belonged withsomeone. Page 128 The men noticed her firmbuttocks like she had grapefruits in her hip pockets; the great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume…” (p. 2).
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