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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Buchenwald Birkenau and Buna The Sighet Ghettos Elie Wiesel's Holocaust Elie's relationship with others Elie's street is turned into a ghetto. His father denies all the possibility of a extermination until it is too late. One of Elie's friends comes to warn them all, but nobody listens. Elie arrives at Birkenau, where Elie's mother and sister are killed. He and his father are sent to Buna. Prisoners risked their lives to save new prisoners, a common theme throughout the book. Elie and his father go to great lengths totake care of each other. The Move Elie is sent by train with his family to an unknown destination.A woman has visions of the incinerators used by the nazis to kill jewish people. All of their valuables are stolen by the train Guards. The arrival at Buchenwald is good, the prisoners are given coffee, soup, and showers. However, Elie and his father do not enjoy this, as his father is to weak to go anywhere without Elie. Elie's father takes ill with Dysentery, becoming severely dehydrated. Hespeaks at the wrong time and a nazi kills him. A revolution takes place saving all the jewish prisoners of the camp hours before a mass execution. The Death March Elie and his father save each other many times,especially during winter when one of them falls asleep in a pile of snow, which happens often. Many prisoners help Elie. In Buchenwald a revolution occurs to save the prisoners who are jewish from extermination. Some people give him bread, and once they start a riot that allows many people to flee into the live line from the death line. Moshe the Beadle was a poor man who worked at the synagogue. He was deported and almost killed. He came back to warn his town,but they ignored him. Many prisoners would wait at the gates, telling the new oneswhat they needed to do to survive selection. The Heroic Patterns Night by Elie Wiesel Night is a Holocaust themedbook on a young boy who survives the holocaust. It is written in first person, giving it a powerful message through the narratorsemotions and thoughts. Elie struggles many times withhis religion and with his morals,at times feeling he should giveup on keeping his father alive so that he can survive longer."'where is God? Where is He?'and I heard a voice within me answer: 'Where is he? Here Heis- He is hanging here on these gallows...'" (Wiesel, 62)He also has to work to avoid the attention of the camp guards,who kill as manyprisoners as possible. They were starved and forced to work long hours, as a method of slow death. The nazis also ran what was called selection. They picked out all of the jewish people who wereweak and had them burned to death in the incinerator, "the fire,the furnace... flames were gushing out of a tall chimney in the sky." (Weisel, 25) The holocaust was fullof unlikely heroes. People were forced tostick together and helpone another, because everyone else was trying to kill them. Anyone who lived long enough had to tell others how they did soto keep them alive, even though the nazis could kill those whotalked about them. The Unlikely Hero Wiesel is a very blunt writer, telling you exactly what happens without use of literaryelements, as his goal is tospeak of the unspeakable.IF it were fiction, you might think of Elie as the hero, trying to holdon in a cruel world before eventually succeeding and getting free. Instead he is just a boy trying to survive a world that has been engineered by others to break and kill everyone that enters it. Everyone is an unlikely hero, fighting to keep his friend, his neighbor, his familyalive around him. Anyone can die,so they just try to keep everyone from dying. The nazis frequently hung anyone popular at Birkenau in order to demoralize the jewish.Even while knowing this, the resistance atBuchenwald acted to save as many Jewishprisoners as possible from being executedby the nazis. They would have lasted longer without the jewish prisoners, andbeen killed for revoltinghad it failed, but they acted anyway. Unlikely heroism is realizing that something is about to happen and stopping it, even at risk to your own life. The unlikely hero tended to emerge inorder to protect their relations or to protect someone who they would not survive without."The camp resistance had decided not toabandon the jews after all and was going to prevent their being liquidated." (Wiesel, 108) The book is very direct, but also uses a little bit of of indirect characterization. In one scene, a man who has been hung is described as having"dimmed eyes, the lolling tongue of death" (Wiesel, 60). In this man, Elie sees death and he seesthe true nature of the world he is trapped in closer thanever. A factory worker is killed for having a stash of weaponsand plotting against the Nazis. He had no obligation to do so,and so risked his life and lost it. Elie and his Father are ordered to march, fleeing incoming soviets. Anyone who attempts to escape is shot. At night, they sleep in a abandoned brick factory, waking up to layers of dead and aliveprisoners. The prisoners are then loaded ontoa death train headed to Buchenwald. They received the occasional piece of bread. When this happened "there was a stampede. Dozens of starving men fought each other to the death over a piece of bread. " (Wiesel, 95)100 men entered the death train. 12 left.
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