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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ROOTS MENTAL HEALTH BUILD THE ANATOMY OF A SHOOTER 78% of shooters exhibited a history of suicidal attempts or thoughts.22% of shooters did not exhibit a history of suicidal attempts. 25% of children and teens have a mental issue at some point.75% of children and teens do not have amental issue at any point. Mental illnesses such as depression are commonamong potential shooters.They can stem from isolation and low self-esteem. If 1 of these represented the population of Newtown. We would need 296 to represent the population of New York City. In the last 50 years, the amount ofschool shootings in Newtown and New York City is at the same number: 1 Most potential shooters usually hailfrom small towns that, as opposedto large cities, these towns do not have a history for violence. The common gunman is usually skinny in size.This quality may make it difficult for one to makefriends and can lead to loneliness for the individual. In smaller towns it is harder to stand out. A lack of attention can lead one to feel insignificant and seek vengeance. 17% of shooters were diagnosedwith a mental health disorder. 83% of shooters were not diagnosedwith a mental health disorder. 98% of shooters had dealt with loss,grief, or a sense of failure.2% of shooters had not dealt with loss, grief, or sense of failure. FAMILY A child that deals with divorcebetween his parents or separation from his parents due to their long working hours may not receive the sufficient attachment. This candamage a child's development sociallyin that they can struggle to form an identity. Shooters also had histories of child abuse. EXPECTANCY Often, a shooting is unexpected.A shooter may have been planning his execution behind his loved ones' backs. Identifying what leads an individual to be a school shooter
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