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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Hackers 9 Vectors for and Malware USB Infected Device Infected Attachments Fake Links in Email Browser Exploitation Malware can spread from USB sticks. Do not stick your USB stick in unknown or public computers. They can contract avirus and then spread it to your PC at home. Sites that specialize in distributing malware will trick theusers into believing they have a virus. They will show a popup that says they found malware on your PC. You areasked to click OK to fix it. Once you click OK you haveinfected yourself with the real virus. Malware Spreading Website Windows has dozens of vulnerabilities that are announced and fixed on a monthly basis. Make sure you are applyingyour Windows updates on a regular basis. DNS Redirect When clicking on a legitimate link you are taken to a completely different website that may havemalware or trojans. This is common if you havemalware leftovers after attempting to remove a virus. Social Engineering This is a major vector for hackers and malware. This istricking the end user into doing something thatcompromises their security. This could be tricking theminto clicking a link, installing a file, or giving out theirpersonal info. Do not trust anyone. Operating System Exploitation Browsers can have vulnerabilities that can be exploitedjust by visiting a bad website. Once exploited, the attacker can install a virus or steal your data. Watch out for emails from fake companies like your bank, Paypal, U.S. Postal service, UPS or Fedex. They will attempt to get your personal info like loginsand passwords. Phishing Do not open any attachments from emails that areexe files. These files are often malware and come in the form of a zip file attachment. Do not click links in emails that may take you to a hacked website. Always check the actual link locationby scrolling over link and checking in bottom left ofbrowser to see where it will take you. Email Vectors Other Vectors Web Vectors These are the most common methods of infections and getting scammed on your computer.
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