Easelly Updates and Changes – October 2018

Easelly, our mission is to help you bring your ideas to life through visual storytelling and infographic design, with or without design experience.

With fall and the holidays nearly upon us, it’s the perfect time to take a step back and take stock of what’s to be done for the last quarter this year. How has it been so far for your business, school, and personal projects?

Product fixes and updates for better and smarter infographic design

If you’ve been wondering how Easelly can help you nail the rest of the year by accomplishing your year-end goals, we’ve got you covered with the following updates and changes. 

Major update: Default sizes for objects

When you dragged and dropped your favorite objects in the canvas, you have to constantly resize them because some of them were too large for your infographic, right?  We’ve now set a default size for these objects, saving you lots of time!


Fixes: Everything’s faster than before

  1. We’ve been tinkering with the tool double time to make significant improvements for you. Expect faster overall loading times including image searches and infographic display. It’s also easier to log in and get started with your infographic.
  2. We’re saying adios to the cumbersome popup dialog for searching and inserting multiple images. We have to admit that it wasn’t our best work. Log in now to check the new changes we’ve made in adding new media, files or YouTube in Easelly. We hope you like it.
  3. There’s an issue, especially during peak hours, causing database timeout errors. Good thing our server admins were alert enough to wave their wands and cast the right spells (they’re Hogwarts alumni btw) before everything came crashing in. We’ve fixed it and please accept our apologies for the occasional crashes in the past. Professor Snape definitely approves!

For this month, we’re working on a bevy of changes again to further improve your Easelly experience. You can learn more about product updates and changes in this update feed

P.S. Pressed for time in creating your custom infographic? Give our infographic design service team a try. Your future self will thank you.

Kai Tomboc: Kai is Easelly's resident wordsmith. When not engrossed in a book, she's most likely taming tardigrades or gushing about the gut microbiome, The Expanse, and armchair behavioral economics.
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