10 Sports Infographics That Score Big Points

In today’s technology-driven world, it’s no secret that children and teens respond to visual cues faster than verbal instruction.  Why not create your own instructive visual aids using Easelly?  It’s fast, fun, and free – our three favorite things!  

10 Sports-Themed Infographics

Check out ten great sports-themed infographics that are sure to get your students’ attention.

10. Take the guess work out of comparisons like this one with this easy to read chart.

9. Looking to prove a point about avoiding steroid use?  Check this out.

8. Looking to visually convey your poll results?  Look no further.

7. Making a simple infographic like this one is s snap.  Simply add text, select a premade cartoon image from our hundreds of stock images, and you’re done.

6. Want to keep your sports stats straight, or feature an MVP?  Use this template to create a customized wall hanging.

5. Easelly templates can be understood in any language.

4. Here’s a great example of how you can use your own photos to personalize an infographic.

3. Statistics are easy to visualize in graphic form.

2. This is a terrific motivational poster for a Health or Physical Education classroom.

1. Drum up excitement for a big sporting event with colorful images and fun facts.

These are just a few examples of the kind of diverse posters and charts that you can create in minutes using Easelly.

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